Monday, March 8, 2010

Where's the Kate Hate?

Mandy's Musings: Where's the Kate Hate?
Originally posted Monday, March 8, on

When Jon Gosselin left his family to help special needs kids learn to snowboard, Kate Gosselin made a production about him not being there for his kids. But apparently, Kate has no problem leaving her kids three nights a week to be on Dancing with the Stars. The kicker? She refuses to let Jon have the kids while she's gone. She says it's not part of their custody arrangement.

I am a little baffled at the public's treatment of Jon and Kate. Sure, Jon was a dog and cheated on his wife (who herself was cheating), but he's never made it a secret that he wants to see his kids. In fact, in several episodes of the now-canceled TLC show "Jon & Kate plus 8", Kate repeatedly yelled at Jon to do things around the house when he "just wanted to play with (his) kids."

Why the constant Jon-bashing? It's not like he didn't do what half the married couples in this country do, it's not like it was shocking. I mean, who couldn't see this coming a mile away? How could someone not think that Jon had enough of being ridiculed on national TV and being treated like a dog? Everyone knew it was going to happen. Even Joel McHale made a joke on his E! show The Soup, saying that if Kate didn't watch it, there would be a new show called "Jon Minus Nine," which got big laughs. So why was everyone so shocked and offended when Jon went elsewhere?

When Jon and Kate were still married, the media had no problem criticizing Kate for her treatment of Jon, for firing the free nannies the church provided before they became famous, for cutting off ties to the kids' beloved Aunt Jodi. But man, oh man, just let Jon get a girlfriend, and bam! he's the only bad guy around.

Kate has said many times that they money they made from their TLC show is "for the kids." She even took Jon to court over a mere $30,000 that he was not entitled to. I guess it was the kids who needed the dance floor installed in their basement, in lieu of some much-needed time with a child psychologist.

And by the way, even though I'm on Team Jon, I do not, I repeat, do not want to see him in anything less than full attire. Kate, however, I would love to see with her lovely fake hair combed. Guess they forgot to tell her that just because it's not real doesn't mean it's maintenance-free.....

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